Typography: ‘Halloween’ is the text that stands out
the most from the poster; this is due to the size of it being larger than other
fonts and also the use of the bold, contrasting colour of orange. The use of
the colour orange for the main text signifies a number of things such as fire,
pumpkins, rope and also fear. These are all conventions that link to the horror
genre, similarly the connotations of the word ‘Halloween’ are scary costumes
and danger. This is significant in the film meeting the conventions of horror
genre as well as the sub-genre ‘slasher.’ Also the tag line that has been used
‘Evil has a destiny’ is in white writing which signifies purity which juxtaposes
the content of the poster but adds to the effect. The information of the poster
such as the director, producer and credits is all in a darker colour so that
the attention is directed at the main title.
Props: The silhouette on the poster appears to be holding
a knife in his right hand and a head in his left; this immediately connotes
danger, violence and ‘slasher’ sub-genre theme.
The sharp weapon which is a knife symbolizes death and gore, this links
to the head which is being held in his other hand that the film will involve
slaughter/ torture meeting conventions of the slasher horror genre. The use of
these props and the houses in the background make you question where he is, who
he has harmed and what will happen next, this is links to the Enigma code that
Roland Barthes created.
Iconography: The typical conventions of low key lighting have been met in this poster, as it complies with the idea of the night/ darkness being feared due to the uncertainty behind it, which is the whole point behind the poster as it is promoting the horror genre. Another typical convention of the horror genre is the props used and this poster promotes the fear behind a mask as there is a huge image of a mask behind the silhouette whom is holding a knife, both of these props connote danger and fear of a horror film. The idea of the knife and mask leaves enigma in the audiences mind as this connotes that there will be some sort of altercation, maybe a killing and this is used as a bait to hook in the audience to watch the film.
Mise-en-scene: A typical convention of the horror genre is an isolated setting and this poster does not really show anywhere in particularly leaving enigma amongst the audience. The setting uses shadows and fire which looks to be burning the settings around the silhouette and the low-key lighting is typical of the genre. The use of the colours to make it look like fire links into the genre as it gives the connotations of destruction, death and fear, enforcing the enigma of the horror approaching. The idea of having two images on the poster also leaves enigma as it is a question of is that good vs evil, or the same villain being re enforced.