Thursday, 18 June 2015

Micro and Macro


Macro looks at the wider picture, it looks further into a film or horror in detail  with some elements such as: Narrative, Representation, Genre and Audiences. Whereas Micro looks at the more basic elements which are more obvious such as the sound, editing, camera usage and mise-en-scene.

Codes and conventions link in closely with micro and macro elements. For example, codes are signs that create a meaning and this links to macro as macro looks deeper into the signs and develops ideas of the meanings behind the obvious, however the initial sign is micro as it is obvious what they are trying to show for example a dead female links to micro as it is obvious that someone has been killed whereas the macro would see more deeply into what had happened and the situations. Further, conventions are linked into with micro and macro features because these are not always immediately obvious and sometimes need to be identified. For example obvious objects such as knives and gore connotative the horror genre and this is micro, also if there is a enigma then this is macro as it needs to be more thought out. 

How to achieve my target grade

I am aiming to achieve an A grade by the end of A2 media studies, and after looking at the mark scheme specification, ,  I now know that I will achieve my target by being an independent learner and using a wide range of media technologies on my blog to represent my work.  I will aim to have detailed research and planning showing examples of what I aim to achieve and the work I have done, I will also try managing my time well and present the planning and research in a way that makes it clear and exciting. The grade I will need to complete this is 16/20 so I feel this is achievable.

Below is a copy of the mark scheme which i will constantly be referring to reach the potential of an A grade.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Codes and conventions

Codes and conventions

After reading this extract I have a better understanding of codes and conventions.
Codes can be separated into two different sections, symbolic and technical. Both are signs which have some sort of meaning to the media product. Technical codes are things such as camera techniques, lighting and exposure whereas symbolic codes are objects and mise-en-scene.
Conventions are the way things are done and accepted through society, what we see as ‘normal.’ Conventions can be genre specific so they can meet the needs of the narrative for example in a horror it is expected to have vulnerable female and there are also general conventions which are constantly expected ideas within films.

Genre in film

After searching for this on Google the information that has shown up has helped me gain an idea of the definition.
Genre in film is categorized into the focus of what the narrative of the film is based on specifically. A genre therefore can be identified by the distinguishing features of the film, for example death in a horror. There are many genres such as the ones shown by my research below.
However, genre in film is always changing and therefore has resulted in ‘hybrid’ genres and ‘sub-genres’. For example, when a film has more than one subject focus then it becomes a hybrid genre such as the common mix of comedy and horror. 

Codes and conventions of horror

So, the typical codes and conventions found in horror films are ideas such as:
     - Fear of unknown
    - Dark atmosphere
    - Range of camera shots


Typography- Typography is text and also the design and process of the wording.

Tag line- A repeated phrase which is linked to something such as a person or product, it could also be said as a joke or to make a point.

Technical Codes- These involve film techniques such as angles, shot types and editing, these are important in making a film to help shape the narrative/ meaning.

Iconography- This is the use of images and symbols to portray a genre or something typical we would expect to see for example a vulnerable female in a horror film.

Levi-Strauss Binary Opposites-

Roland Barthe-
-Theory of good v evil
-Narrative theory of enigma