This presentation shows the research I have done into finding out the purpose of a trailer, it shows the reasons as to why they are made and their importance. This is something I needed to understand in order to pursue the production of my own in the correct way. I also found out aspects which will be found in every trailer and therefore I will use these ideas with my own in order to make them look professional and uphold the typical conventions of a trailer, these include:
- It must last minimum of 1 minute and maximum of 3
- It should include both diegetic and non diegetic music and sounds
- Include a large amount of clips from the film
- Use a range of editing
- Subtitles
- Screen play
- Production/ distribution company advertised
Furthermore, I found out that trailers are so important that the distribution of them is equally as important and the main way to do this is using social media. I found this out from research and using social media myself. This is definitely something that is extremely important when I decide to market my trailer.
From my research, and also shown in this presentation I found out what the conventions of each type of genre are and what to expect from each genre in trailers. This allowed me to see what other types of genres other than my own are so that I do not accidentally include this and confuse the genre. For example, comedy, drama and action are different to thriller and horror films whereas horror and thriller are similar so I can expect to use some conventions of the horror genre to create my thriller trailer.
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